Friday, December 7, 2007

And so it begins, my starting weight is (gulp)...

368.4 lbs
0 down, 100 to go
1 Year left
0 per lb pledged
$0 raised

Welcome to! Thanks for dropping by and considering supporting my goal. Every week I will check in with updated totals on how much weight I've lost and how many people have come along side to encourage me. It's a way to keep me accountable to losing the weight and also support a station that I love and want to see succeed.

A few months ago I was feeling pretty bummed that I couldn't do more to financially support 101.7 The Fuse. I love what we are doing here and believe it is something that is needed in this community and beyond. Then a thought hit me, I may not have a lot of money to give but I have about 100 pounds I could donate, and thus was born.

The bottom line to all of this is that I need you as friends, family, or just Fuse fans to sign up with the link on the upper right and pledge however much per pound you think is appropriate. My goal is to eventually have $100 per lb. pledged, but it all starts with your dollar a pound or more. If you believe in the station or just want to see me drop some of my insulation I could use your help.

Thanks again for dropping by and be sure and come by next Friday for the first update!


Weber said...

Dude this is an awesome idea. I watch the biggest loser and im inspired by them... and im not even fat. I think that by doing this you will for one raise money for the fuse which is awesome, but it will also inspire people. Being on the radio everyday gives you a lot of power, and the ability to influence others life in a positive way. Keep it up. I will definitely be following this amazing journey your taking.

Anonymous said...

I'm pulling for a loss of 101.7 lbs; seems to have a little more symbolism. As I see some success, I just might up my pledge/lb - and you just might motivate me to join you with a 2/1 ratio; every two pounds you lose, I'll try to lose one.