Friday, December 21, 2007

Week 2 Update, Pizza and Cookies (6.1 lbs lost)...

358.0 lbs
10 down, 90 to go
1 Year left
$10 per lb pledged
$100 raised

If you are new to please read the first post or pledge here.

I was concerned about this week, I really was. I hit a Christmas party last Friday and had a few cookies, and we ordered pizza twice for dinner. Yet here I stand 6 more pounds lighter than last Friday, just by portion control and set eating times. It's these next two weeks that will be the true test though. Holidays and food go hand in hand and I'm going to have to be the grinch that breaks up that happy couple. If I can be down 5 more pounds in the next two weeks we shall consider it a Christmas miracle.

As far as the donation side, I had $5 more a pound pledged this week bringing the total up to $10 per pound that I lose this next year. This really is the key for me, the more people I can have on board the more encouraged I will be to lose the weight. If you would be willing to pledge please click here now and let me know.

Until next week, Merry Christmas, and keep those Santa cookies away from me.

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