Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Week 51 update, Building the Suspense (???????)...

??? lbs.
??? lbs. lost
1 week left
Total Raised for FuseFM: $1600

If you are new to please read the first post or pledge here.

With just a few days left, I thought I'd build the suspense a bit.  OK, fine, I just didn't want to weigh in after all the turkey and fixins of last week :)  Whatever the case it's been interesting to see the poll results on where you think I will be by Friday.  It's pretty spread out, with nobody think I will be at 265 or more (hope your right) and one lone soul thinking I can break the 260 mark before the final (for the year) weigh in.  I've been keeping an eye on things and lets just say that it's safe to say I will be below 265 but I'm pretty sure I won't be able to drop under 260 (sorry faithful friend).  More interesting still is the poll on where I will level off before next summer, with most people putting me in the 230s.  That would be incredible.  If you had told me when I started this that I might get to the 230s I would have laughed at you.  I honestly thought the 260s would be a stretch (remember I started at 369), yet now it looks possible.  By the way, I heard recently that most sky diving places use 225 as a weight limit, anybody care to guess what my new goal is?
Be sure to tune into 101.7 FuseFM this Friday for the final weight and for an afternoon of stories and info about the whole process.  I'll be taking calls and celebrating a great year of getting healthy and raising money for FuseFM.  If you don't live in the area be sure and listen online at!
Thanks so much for all your support and be back on Friday for the grand finale, er... grand continuation.

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