Friday, September 12, 2008

Week 40 update, No more "Someday" clothes, (1 lb. lost)...

284 lbs.
85 down
15 to go
12 weeks left
$15 per lb pledged
$1275 raised

If you are new to please read the first post or pledge here.

Here's what I wrote in a recent newsletter update from FuseFM:

There are no more “someday” clothes in my closet. I was just telling my wife this week that after losing 80+ pounds in the past 9 months that all those pants and shirts that I kept “just in case” now seem to fit.. It’s an amazing feeling but pales in comparison to the feeling of knowing that everyday I get healthier and healthier and might be adding years to my life.

If you haven’t been following my “Lose for the Fuse” journey at I would encourage you to check it out. Every person that drops by and leaves a note or pledges $1 a pound is one more bit of encouragement that pushes me along and keeps me from eating that fourth piece of pizza. Each Friday I weigh in and post my new numbers as well as a few comments on how the week went. I’ve learned so much through this process and hope to share as much as I can. If you are interested in supporting me or even doing this yourself make sure you click on the links and fill out the forms.

Thanks again and make sure and stay tuned for the culmination of this year long process on December 7th of this year. Maybe my “someday” clothes won’t fit again, but this time because they are too big.


With just 12 weeks left and at the 15 pound to go mark, things are looking great.  I know it's just one more pound this week, but as long as I keep doing the right things at least the number should continue to diminish from here on out.  I'll have to lose more than 1 pound a week at some point, but you have to think I have at least one more big week in me soon, right?  Whatever the case, I appreciate your interest and pledges and let's see this thing through these last three months!


dlm said...
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dlm said...

Hey Aaron,

Love your blog and your cause. Keep up the good work! Your family hosted an ONU group many moons ago - probably when I was traveling with the Masters Quartet - 1990-91. I remember you were great hosts & I think you went to a Christian high school (maybe connected to your church) and can remember the colors of your letter jacket were red & blue. Is that right?

Deron Matson

Anonymous said...

Hey Aaron,
You have been doing awesome. It is great to see your dedication to this. I read all your post and it is cool to see how much you have changed and how excited you are about this. Every pound you lose is a day you are adding to your life. You look awesome, a totally different person. Just think you are helping set good habits for your kids to follow. They get bragging rights now they have every right to be proud of you. I can imagine your wife is extremely proud. Keep up the awesome job. Remember with God all things are possible.

In Christ,


Unknown said...

Thanks Deron and Tiffany!

Deron, I remember having the quartet so you are probably right on that account. The fact that you remember my school colors is pretty amazing (and honestly freaks me out a bit) I would have been a Sophmore that year I think. Glad to hear we were great hosts. I traveled with Vision and Orpheus at Oli, and remember the Russian roulette of host homes.

Tiffany, thank you so much for your encouragement, I've never felt better and haven't been in this good of shape since High School. The most amazing part of this is how easy it has been. Don't mistake that for saying it is easy, just much much easier than I would have thought.

Thanks again guys!
