Friday, March 28, 2008

Week 16 update, Milestones Galore (4 lbs. lost)...

329 lbs
40 down, 60 to go
36 weeks left
$14 per lb pledged
$560 raised

If you are new to please read the first post or pledge here.

WOW! What an encouraging week. Three major milestones for me as we head into April.

- 40 lbs total
- over 10% weight lost
- In the 320s

It's that last one that gets me the most for some reason. There is something psychological that happens in the 320s that makes everything seem more realistic and possible. It just feels like this is really happening now, that 269 is possible, and that all the work is paying off. The only part that I still wish would go better is the money raising part, so if you haven't donated, and would consider doing so that would be awesome.

You may not know this, but I weigh every weekday when I workout, just as a way to keep track of my progress and see the little fluctuations here and there. Since starting my morning work outs I have consistently lost my weight on the weekend for some reason. Without exception, whatever I weighed in on Monday would be my weight on Friday within a pound (usually I would gain a pound through the week) until this week. This week, when I weighed in on Monday I weighed 336, a full 3 pounds more than the proceeding Friday, meaning if the pattern held I would have gained 3. This refocused me pretty hardcore and snapped my eating back into shape quickly (not that I had been horrible, just a bit lazy) . Yes, your math is correct, that means I lost 7 pounds since Monday and I feel great. I don't expect this to be the case every week, but it was nice to see in a week when I really needed the encouragement.

Stay tuned campers, this could get interesting.

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