Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Real Life Update 16, Maintaining (0 lbs. lost)...

237 lbs.
132 lbs. lost since 12/7/07

If you are new to loseforthefuse.com please read the first post or pledge here.
Heading into the fall and my lowest weigh in this month is the same as my lowest last month. The difference is that my 237 in July was at the beginning of the month and my 237 in August was yesterday. So basically, it's pretty likely that I gained a few pounds (up to 5ish) over the course of July and then lost them through August as I try to get back into some sort of work out schedule. There's something that's even more difficult about maintaining than losing. But it's so important that once the wieght stops coming off that I can continue to live life the way I have in losing it in the first place. I also keep going back and forth in my mind as to whether I want to push it up a notch and lose another 20 pounds. I like being in the 230s but there is something about 215 that is calling my name. I'll let you know what I decide, but the main thing is I must remain steadfast in not changing things that I will change back, otherwise it becomes a game and not a lifestyle.

Thanks for checking in and keeping me acountable!

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