Monday, December 8, 2008

Week 52 update, One Year Later (2 lbs. lost)...

263 lbs.
106 lbs. lost
0 weeks left
Total Raised for FuseFM: $1600

If you are new to please read the first post or pledge here.

One year later:

- my waist size is down from a 54 to a 42
- my boys now play with my excess belly skin instead of my excess belly fat.
- I can run a 5K in 25 minutes a mile in under 8 minutes.
- I can weigh myself on most store bought scales.
- I can wear an XL shirt comfortably instead of a 3X uncomfortably
- I can touch the my actual belly button.
- I can see where I'm aiming (TMI?)
- I don't grunt every time I stand up or sit down.
- I haven't been sick in over a year, as opposed to developing a nasty cough or sinus infection every 3 months.
- I have face wrinkles
- My shoes are looser.
- Strange women stop me at church to tell me how good I look.
- I have turned a fat beard into a cop stache and then into a baby face.
- I eat salad occasionally.
- I also still eat pizza and cookies..
- The only liquid I consume is water.
- My knees don't hurt, my back is great, and I don't get debilitating headaches.
- I wear T Shirts as regular shirts.
- I sneak feels of my muscles flexing, and smile.
- I can do 30 push ups as opposed to none.
- I weigh 263 pounds instead of 369.
- I'm still not finished.

106 pounds! It's a great feeling and there are a lot of people I need to thank for making it possible in this past year.

Thanks to FuseFM whose great music and ministry was the motivation I needed to stick with it (and also great workout music)
Thanks to the staff at FuseFM who have consistently encouraged me and put up with my non stop talk about this stuff.
Thanks to my wife who has taken up the slack when I've spent time in the morning working out or running (oh, and of course her undying love and encouragement)
Thanks to my sons who have been the most direct in keeping me accountable. ("You're still fat Dad, keep doing it.")
Thanks to my family (immediate and extended) who have been so kind and encouraging through this process (except for my brother, who wondered if I would pay him a dollar a pound if I were to gain weight, but what are little brothers for if not to keep you humble.) Mom and Dad, I hope you know how much your example and love are an inspiration for me trying to make wise choices, both in this avenue and others.
Thanks to my supporters who have put their money on the line to keep me going.  Your gifts to FuseFM will be used to great effect.
Thanks to Autumn Hale and Clare Family Fitness for working with me and teaching me so much about how my body works and how to work my body.
Thanks to Nike and Ipod for inventing the Nike+ system and allowing me to use it to amazing effect.
Thanks to Coleman Railway Center for their support and new workout facility in my home town.
Thanks to the apple growers of the world, I think of you every afternoon around 3.
Thanks to God for his patience with my addictions, and continued forgiveness.
Thanks to you for reading this blog and commenting below.
Please continue to check in here at  I plan to post weekly updates (for a while at least) to keep me accountable as I continue this life long journey.  Also be listening for more details on long term plans for how Lose for the Fuse can continue to help others and raise money for this station.

Stay tuned for a final banner update and the 12 month photos!

30 more pounds til I'm skydiving approved!

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