Friday, November 21, 2008

Week 50 update, Another good week as the Holidays loom. (2 lbs. lost)...

265 lbs.
104 lbs. lost
2 weeks left
Total Raised for FuseFM: $1600

If you are new to please read the first post or pledge here.

265.... wow.  15 more pounds and I won't even have to slide the big weight passed the 200 mark when I weigh in.  Yeah, it's the little things that make me happy.  Not much else to say this week other than 2 weeks left and Thanksgiving is coming fast.  In other words, the day before my second to last weigh in I will be eating all day long and be thankful for every second (and seconds) of it.  Wonder how that will impact things?
Stay tuned to find out!

PS. It's not too late to pledge or donate!

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