Friday, October 31, 2008

Week 47 update, The Wall? Nope, Just Krispy Kreme (0 lbs. lost)...

274 lbs.
95 down
5 to go
5 weeks left
$16 per lb pledged
$1520 raised

If you are new to please read the first post or pledge here.

First, I have to say thank you so much for all the suggestions on what to do now that my ring is averse to staying on my ring finger.  There were some great ideas and I'm going to chew on them for a while before making my decision, so feel free to continue to offer more suggestions or vote for your favorite.

Speaking of chewing on things, this week was a bit out of order in the eating department.  Not that I broke down and just decided to forgo my new patterns, just that we had a fundraising week at FuseFM and that always means lots of food around.  Plus, my wife recently bought some cookie dough for a friend's fundraiser, which resulted in both uncooked and cooked cookie dough being consumed.  I have decided that fundraisers are perhaps the biggest threat to healthy eating in the history of mankind.  Whatever the case, my new metabolism and work out schedule was enough to keep any new pounds from showing up so I'll have to be satisfied with a zero week.  It's especially encouraging considering yesterday someone brought in a box of Krispy Kremes and keeping to my commitment to not change anything I would want to change back a had one (OK fine, one and a half), because there will never be a day when I will not partake in free glazed fried dough, period.  At the end of the day, this puts me back on the pound a week train to hit 100 in a year.

Thanks for checking in, and maybe a more typical schedule this week will provide better results next Friday!

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