Friday, May 23, 2008

Week 24 update, The Playoff Beard is in Full Effect. (2 lbs. lost)...

310 lbs
59 down
41 to go
28 weeks left
$15 per lb pledged
$885 raised

If you are new to please read the first post or pledge here.

2 more pounds this week, and I expect that to continue for a while. I think the days of 4 or 5 pound drops are behind me and I'm into "the grind". The great news is that I'm on the verge of hitting 60 pounds and therefore 60% of my goal. The other great news is that I am 10 pounds away from the 200s, a magical place that has previously existed through some sort of Narnian transport. Honestly, other than a brief week or two about 5 years ago, I think it's been since 1994 or so since I've been in that hallowed land. Once I see it again, I plan on taking up residence and never leaving again.

You might know that the 300 threshold also marks the moment when I shave my "fat beard". In honor of both the impending shaving, and the Red Wings and Pistons amazing playoff runs, I have decided not to even trim my facial hair until the moment arrives. I figure I've got another month or so, and I might as well see how far I can take this thing. My wife has threatened to stop kissing me if it goes too far, but honestly, I bet on her breaking on that one before I do.

Don't forget to pledge, and I'll see you next Friday!

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