Friday, December 28, 2007

Week 3 Update, the Christmas Miracle (2.6 lbs lost)...

355.4 lbs
13 down, 87 to go
11 months left
$10 per lb pledged
$130 raised

If you are new to please read the first post or pledge here.

Christmas down and New Year's to go. My goal is to weigh in next Friday and be down a total of 15 pounds so if I can lose another 2 or 3 pounds this week I will consider the holidays a success.

The truth is it is a miracle I lost any weight this last week. I'm still not exercising at all and my eating was not very good either. I was fully expecting a small gain this week, but apparently all it takes for me to lose weight is to pay attention. Again I think these two weeks will be the toughest of the year so I will be thrilled just to make it through them.

I wish I could say I'm having the same success on the money raising side of things, but this week was silent with no more pledges. I'm still sitting at $10 a pound and I know there is a lot of time for new people to sign up, but the thing that could most quickly derail my efforts is if I lose my motivation. For that reason I would ask you to seriously consider a pledge right now. You can pay it monthly, quarterly, or next December 7th (all based on my actual weight loss, not projected). For instance, one of my donors has signed up to do monthly payments, so next week if I have lost 18 pounds she will write a check for $18 to the station. I still need 90 more people to sign up to donate and I hope you will be one of them. If you would be willing to pledge please click here now.

See you next week!

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